We had another check-up with our midwife this week and sweet pea is looking nice and healthy. The baby is big enough now that they were able to do the stomach ultrasound this time (much more pleasant than the 'wand'). Last time the picture was just of the sac the baby was in- nothing defined. This week sweet pea has arms and legs that were moving all around and just when Mari would get a great shot of the baby, it would jump like a little bean which made me laugh which made the picture get lost! I had a fun time. Jonathan was able to be there this time to see the heartbeat and the live feed rather than the after-picture. Our baby is right on track developmentally and measuring 3.5 cm.
Nausea is mostly gone now- just some waves every now and then but much more tolerable. I am mostly feeling very drained and tired. My night life has been eliminated as I fall asleep by 10pm at the latest now- last night was 8:30.
In other news- our building is supposed to have heat today. We shall see.
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