Thursday, July 30, 2009

Our Silver Dollar City Trip!

So we went to Branson, Missouri last weekend with our friends Nate and Bekah to experience the place that is Silver Dollar City. It is quite the place to take in- flashing back to the 1800s with blacksmiths and candle makers, combined with a few modern roller coasters. We went up Friday night after work and stayed at the HoJos- it worked for our budgets. In the morning we went to breakfast at a Belgian Waffle House and I had the most delicious french toast! We then made the windy trek to SDC. Here is a short clip of our walk from the parking lot to the entrance, it was a bit of a morning workout.
One of the stops we made inside the park was to an old mansion that had some wacky things going on inside. This room was completely off balance and made you feel really out of sorts. But if you didn't know that about the room- this video is hilarious to watch of J and Nate and Bekah trying to stay balanced.
There was a giant rocking chair that we thought would be another Kodak spot to capture the good 'ol times in Branson! (in retrospect the girls should have sat in the back because our legs/feet look enormous compared to the rest of the image)
Although the roller coasters were a bit of a stretch for me, we really enjoyed our day at the park with our friends! On the way home we stopped at a blueberry farm and bought their specialty Blueberry Thunder Muffins. They are delicious- and worth the price!


  1. Watching the video of you guys in that room reminded me of that impossible Micheal jackson move- you know the 45 degree lean.
    it's about 19 seconds into the clip.
    love ya'll!

  2. Looks like a all-around good time! :)

  3. What fun! :) I've always wanted to go to Branson (yeah, I'm a nerd). :)
