We woke up Sunday with excitement for the football apparel that could once again appear for the NFL season! Heath was given some football socks that were perfect for the occasion.

We started our Sunday morning off by leading worship at Vintage. Decked out in our Steeler gear, we were ambushed by the Ryerse kids in the parking lot in their Brown attire. It's a fun rivalry- although Calvin does talk a good load of smack. Although Robb had reservations- he allowed us to sing wearing what we came in with. 
Heath with Mattie and Charlie Ryerse (our pastor's daughters)
After church we headed to Foghorns- a local wing joint- to watch the Steeler game. Heath took it all in pretty well- even the obnoxious Titan fans in the back.
Then Monday Night football came. Jonathan was in class so Heath and I watched the game and texted him updates. (We were rooting for the Ravens to lose of course). I read that naked time is healthy for babies to prevent diaper rash. So I thought this was a good time and took the picture. I told Jonathan- this is probably how every man wishes he could watch Monday night football.
I'm fairly certain you are right about every man wishing he could watch football naked. That is too cute. :)