In June Heath started saying:
Ball (Bahhwl)
Dad, Daddy, Dadah
Then later came:
Stop (Dawp)
No (naawh) (Usually this is said in conjunction with his finger raised in the air)
In the last month Heath has been signing:
(And repeating us signing): Potty
This past week:
In addition to signing 'more' he started saying it at dinner when asking for more (Mowh).
He has started saying shoe (Djew).
Last Night:
When getting on Skype with my parents he finally said Opa (oh-pahw)
Heath repeated us saying peekaboo (eekadjew).
In addition to saying it in the car, later that night he demonstrated the concept that he knows how to play it too!~ take a peek ;)
Heath repeated us saying blue (boo).
When he pulled off his sock in the car he kept saying Djew Djew Djew, becoming very upset until we put his sock/shoe back on the foot he pulled it off of.
Getting ready for bed in his room I asked, should we go brush our teeth? He put his finger to his mouth then crawled to the bathroom and pulled up on the sink to reach for the brush.
Ugh, my heart hurts!
ReplyDeleteThis is one of the best ages...watching them sort the whole big world and start labeling...It still amazes me. My favorite is the generalizing they do at hilarious....For Mattie all bugs were bees. I can still hear her looking down at ants crawling in her play house, shaking her finger at them and stating firmly, "NO BEE!" And the signing? Wonderful! I remember Vin becoming a different kid once he could walk and talk...his frustration was greatly abated and he smiled more and was so much more fun. He signed and so did Charleigh....hooray for language!!!!