Monday, February 17, 2014

Natural Postpartum Essentials

Disclaimer: This post will use words like perineum and postpartum bleeding. It's intended for mamas and mamas-to-be. If that is not you, you probably don't want to read further as everything will be TMI.

Through the suggestion of my midwife, I've tried a few natural supplements/solutions for postpartum care and I have to document and share with the hope that other mammas will benefit as I have!

1. Alfalfa supplement. I began taking these in the final three weeks of pregnancy to build up the leafy green in my immune system which aids with your blood flow. In the event of significant blood loss during the home birth, the alfalfa will help to have in my body already to aid in clotting. What I did not know at the prenatal time is that this build up is also helpful in recovery. I've seen a decrease in the length of lochia (postpartum bleeding). It is also a great source of Vitamin K, helpful for baby- especially since we chose not to do the eye drops at home. Here is a good summary article of Alfalfa benefits:

2. Coconut Oil. How did I not know about this little miracle!? Instead of lanolin cream this round, I've been using coconut oil on the nipples and it has been amazing! It is not as thick as lanolin and has this wonderful consistency that the solid melts in your finger when you apply so it doesn't hurt to rub in to your sore bits. I've had a crack that I've been religiously putting the coconut oil on pre-nursing and post- every feeding. I've seen improvements and the smell is pretty yummy too. Big win here for using something natural vs manmade and I know I'm just hitting the tip of the iceberg with what this oil can do. (J said it may turn into the dad in My Big Fat Greek Wedding who uses Windex on everything!)

3. PeriClens. Everyone gets the peri bottle to rinse after using the bathroom when you are postpartum. What my birth kit came with was also a little bottle of PeriClens oil from Intimate Solutions (found online here). Not only does this have a nice fragrance with the lavendar and myrrh, but it is a nice healer for the perineum.

4. New Mama Bottom Spray. Aside from the nutritious food and delicious sweets that have been shared, this has been the best postpartum gift! Made by Earth Mama Angel Baby, this is a natural perennial spray that when you are done with using on your bottom it says to utilize as a facial spray (really!). You can buy online here.

5. Cramp Bark. This is a liquid that tastes a bit like a shot of whisky. It helps aid the pain that can come with uterine cramping. I was impressed with its effectiveness and quick acting relief- way better than tylenol!

6. Lecithin. This is a supplement that is specifically crafted to help your milk ducts not clog. So you can use it for maintenance once a day if you are prone to clogs, or double up if you have a clog you're trying to unplug. I'm super impressed with how quickly this has helped to unclog blocked ducts. 

Any other mamas have must-have essentials that they recommend?

1 comment:

  1. Coconut oil is also great for baby's hair growth! We used it on PJ's head (at our caregiver's recommendation) and her hair grew in so thick and fast once we started using it! We just rubbed it on her scalp daily. She didn't have much cradle cap but it also seemed to help that.
    Oh and grapeseed oil we loved, too. helped keep her poop from sticking to her, helps with diaper rash and scratches. I also used it a bit for nipples (though I didn't have much soreness as PJ was not a lengthy nurser - my milk was low so once we got the hang of it, she was on and off after 10-15 minutes or so). And it was great for perineum massage pre-birth. Turns out we didn't need it, since I was required to have the c-section due to stroke risk, but i liked it - scent free and not too oily.
