Sunday, June 7, 2015

Along the (dual career search) journey

I am so anxious to be out of our job search season. It has been a roller coaster of emotions and mental taxation writing cover letters, putting applications out there, interviewing and researching new locations for our family to live. There is a lot of that I am ready to be done with. But I also hate feeling like I'm just waiting to get through something, and try to be reflective about what I appreciate in the here and now.

So I was thinking on this round of the job search for us and what value has come out of the roller coaster fraught with excitement and heartache. Three things come to mind, all under the umbrella of relationships.
1- Our marriage. Today marks our 7th anniversary and as we celebrate I am keenly aware of how deep my appreciation for my partner runs. When we met in graduate school, both pursuing the same career and thinking of all that we had in common, never would I have predicted the challenge that commonality would bring as we embarked on our first, second, and now third dual career search. It requires us to be honest with ourselves and then verbalize those hopes/dreams/expectations to one another. This work of marriage is not for the faint of heart. It has required me to dig deeper in my authenticity and humility to admit when I'm feeling irritable because I wanted my job lead to work out and I'm disappointed, and jealous, that yours is working out right now. Many people have commented to me in this season, "I don't know how you guys do it." (the dual job search) I respond, I don't know how we do it either, we just move through it together like everything else and try to keep our relationship with the highest priority,  because at the end of it all if we have two jobs we both love, but have treated one another poorly and not been honest in communication- then our marriage and family will suffer and that is not a value we are prepared to risk. There is no other person I'd rather journey through this not-fun-stuff with than Jonathan. There is no other marriage I'd rather be in than my own- even and especially on the hard days.

2- Reconnected friends. In the past 5+ months we have put applications in across the U.S. and as we explore new terrain it has allowed me to connect with old friends who are also spread out across the country in areas we have pursued. I have been on the phone, on Skype, email and text with friends from college, grad school, and Arkansas that I otherwise would not have been prompted to reconnect with. Some people attribute this to the importance of keeping a professional network. As a (Strengthsquest) Relator, these relationships are more to me than a network, they are friends who have made a mark on my journey to the degree that I feel comfortable to reach out and pick up where things were left. I am so thankful for that opportunity to be reminded of the importance of community and the new relationships that we create, but also the ones we keep and grow. Thanks Andy, Emily, Kaylee, Jessica, James, Tasha, Dr. Lewis and Mel for your friendship and support! (Yep- that is CO, CA, OR, FL, TX and IN represented to get a taste of what it means when I say roller coaster!)

3- Present Community. Our home group through our church has been vital in our sanity. They have listened to us weekly and been a constant, despite what the ups and downs of our day has held. I know it can be overwhelming to listen to our madness and try and track what application/interview is this week vs next. Not once did that mean they listened or cared less (it did mean once they asked to see the google spreadsheet to keep it in order). To be in community like this is a blessing of God and we are so grateful to have their support and joint prayers.

So it is not over, yet. We are still on the dual career search journey, but my heart is full with appreciation for the way God has renewed and strengthened these relationships through life in this season.

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